Friday, March 6, 2020

3 Must-Dos During Finals Week

3 Must-Do's During Finals Week Please get decent amounts of sleep; it will help make finals a lot easier to deal with.( Sure, cramming at all hours of the night might seem like the ideal thing to do in order to memorize all of your class material, but it really isn’t. Really, you are not going to retain the information that way. If anything, you’re better off studying in a group. That way, you get more insight from others and can help each other out.  But, if you do have to study alone, no worries. Everyone does learn differently.  Play to your strengths when studying as well as repeat, repeat, and repeat,  especially any information that really isn’t staying with you. 2. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE It’s easy to play into defeatist tendencies. We’ve all done it we’ve all said, “Well, I hope such and such will happen but it probably won’t,” or something along those lines. Do not tell yourself that you will not master a concept you have been having trouble with in class and you need to know for a final. If anything, make a Quizlet set all about the concept, write down what you do know, and re-read. Try your best to remember what you’ve been told you need for the final. As long as you put your all into studying, you should come out alright. If you need some more insight on tackling those finals and showing them who is the boss, check out this video by FDU’s own Florham Planning Committee. Hard as it may be, holding onto positivity is the way to go.( 3. DE-STRESS Stress, stressors and the like are indeed bound to be happening during finals week. But, that does not mean to let them control you the whole duration of finals week. So, what can you do? Well, making some tea does help. Black tea especially can help to combat stress. For those who aren’t very big on tea, there are plenty of different strategies to put forward. Maybe you’d do better if you plan your study times,  or maybe the Pomodoro method works better. Or, maybe you need to take some time out to color to relieve your stress or attempt dealing with it otherwise. Do not forget to breathe throughout studying for your finals and taking them. It is important to put your best effort forward during finals but it is just as, if not more, important to feel at ease when doing so. No matter what, please dont forget to take care of yourself during finals.(

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